Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowy Days and Lions

I was out early this morning shoveling the driveway - trying to get a jump on it before it piles up to an immoveable amount. I've learned, as age has crept up on me, that I've got to do stuff in more manageable chunks. So anyway, I'm out in the wind driven snow...face about to freeze off, and am reminded of a book I read a while back. Mark Batterson wrote a book a few years ago entitled, "In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day". In it he tells of one of David's mighty men, Benaiah, and how he killed a lion in a crazy way.

I was reading that Scripture in 2 Samuel 23:20-23 recently and noticed a little phrase that really challenged me. It's in verse 22 and reads, "Such were the exploits of Benaiah...". Did you get that? Such were. It's a statement that seems to say, "yeah, that Benaiah had things like this happen all the time". We only get a snapshot of three of his exploits here; 1. He killed Moab's best two warriors, 2. He took a giant Egyptian's spear and killed him with it, 3. He went into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion. I wonder what ELSE he did we don't even know about!

So as I'm reading and thinking on this text and the kind of man Benaiah must have been (it'll be awesome to meet him one day), I sensed God challenge me with a question, "Are you ready to kill lions?". Me, a lion killer? No way, God. But truth is, God destined all of us to be lion killers. None that call Him 'Father' are to be paralyzed by fear. We all have the power to conquer fear, conquer circumstance, conquer what would destroy us.

Remember, there is another lion out there watching for a chance at each of us. "Our enemy is a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour". God wants us to chase our enemy into that snowy pit and show him whose boss. Mark says in his book that when we look back, the moments of greatest fear in our lives are also the moments of greatest victory. So, here's to great fear that leads to great victory.

Well, the snow's piling up again. But at least I don't have a snowy pit waiting for me, just a snowy driveway. Grrrrr.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Big BIG God

I was reading today about the discoveries astronomers have been making concerning our universe. Did you know they have discovered galaxies that are 12.3 billion light years away? Considering the sun is 8 light minutes away at 93 million miles, that's a very, very, very long way off. I can't even wrap my mind around that kind of distance. But here's the funny thing. The more we discover, the more we realize how vast our universe is. Imagine what we'll know in another fifty or one hundred years.

As I read the psalms and listen in as David speaks of the glories of God, I am aware of how God must smile as we "discover" another one of His works; another galaxy, another microscopic animal, another deep sea life, another truth about the mystery of the human body. It strikes me as funny - we think we know SOOO much (like a thirteen year old) when we really know SOOO little.

God is just so awesome. I believe creativity is so much a part of His "DNA" that He is still at work creating things for us to discover. I was once asked what I think we'll do in heaven for eternity. No problem - eternity will only be enough 'time' to get started at checking out the glories of God. What a big, BIG God.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Own the Vision

Have you ever wondered at the plethora of leadership books on the market? I was strolling through Barnes and Nobles the other day perusing the leadership shelves and I began to feel as though I was looking up at the stars. Book after book titled itself as the top ten, or first five or seven this or that. It's amazing to me how so many think they need to have all knowledge (unattainable) before they launch or lead anything. I believe you can boil a lot of leadership principles down to one thing; example. Truth be told, followers take their cues from leaders. They will only sacrifice for the vision if the leader will; only take a bullet for the cause if the leader will. The problem is too many leaders are merely hirelings.

Solomon was arguably the greatest king of Israel. But David was definitely a man's man when it comes to kings. David could fight. David could lead. More importantly, David could lead in a fight. One of my favorite David accounts is not actually in the middle of a brawl - but during a break. In 2 Samuel 23:13-17 David is thirsty and longing for a drink from Bethlehem's well. So, his three mightiest men bust through the Phillistine line, draw water from the well and bring it back for David to drink. But here David shows his leadership. He pours it out unto God because he is "unworthy" of the risk the men took.

Sacrifice and vision. Can't you just hear the shout that goes up in the camp? David was one of them. David knew the risks. David was leading his men not only in fighting, but in worship. He was casting a vision, yes, but more importantly, he was living it out.

So show your followers you own the vision you're casting. If they believe down to their toes that you own the cause, they will follow you anywhere.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why Not?

I'm studying a book written by Mark Batterson entitled, "Primal". There is a great piece in it that reminds me of a favorite section of scripture. In Mark's book he says, "As Christ followers we need to take a why not approach to life. It dares to dream. It's bent toward action. And it's not looking for excuses not to do something." That's good stuff.

It reminds me of the account of Jonathan and his armor bearer in 1 Samuel 14. The Israelites and the Phillistines are at war. There is an empasse and nothing is really happening. Jonathan, tired of the doldrums, says to his armor bearer, "come, let's go over to the Phillistine outpost, maybe the Lord will do something cool for us." (Interpretation mine) If that weren't enough, then he shows himself to them! Next thing you know...a Phillistine rout. I love Jonathan's attitude. Carpe Diem - Seize the Day!

So many of God's children wait their entire lives for the voice of God to call them to a particular task. Please, He's already done that in His Word. What we need to do is "man-up" and step out in faith. remember, "the steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord." So, worry about staying close to God (righteous), and let God worry about where tour foot lands. We just have to step - Why Not?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Uncover that Face

Fox News has a section on their website entitled "Features and Faces". I notice that so many of the faces are celebrities - many of them caught in less than flattering poses and/or facial expressions. I wonder how it makes them feel since a celebrity must rely on the way they are perceived to catch that next role. But truth be told, none of us care for having unflattering pics taken of us.

In 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 there is an awesome passage about faces of glory. As I read it over and over this morning, a simple but profound concept occurred to me. Paul says that Moses would cover his face so the Israelites couldn't see that which was fading away. We, however, in verse 18 "with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory". What struck me is that they couldn't see what was FADING AWAY, but we reveal that which IS TO COME.

There is coming a day, "in the twinkling of an eye", when we will all be changed. We will receive glorified bodies and we will be like Him. Can you imagine what a day that will be for those who know Him? As a matter of fact in verse 18 it says that we are being transformed into His likeness. Do you see it? We ARE BEING transformed. Pretty cool huh? You and I each day (as we surrender to His work in us) are becoming more like Jesus.

So, unveil those faces and shine a little Jesus on people. While you're at it, look for the Jesus shining back at you.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Lessons from the Woodpile

It's amazing how small increments have such huge implications. It's terribly cold out and we were running short on wood, so I was out early this morning splitting some big chunks down to manageable size. It is obvious to someone who splits wood that the thickness of the piece to be busted is of no importance, it's the height (or length) that'll kill you. It's so much easier to get that maul through a little wood instead of a long stretch of wood.

Jesus knew this same concept applied to our walk of faith as well. Take the way He grew His disciples into men of faith. First, they see Him turn water into wine. Then He heals someone, then walks on water, then feeds 5,000 to the finale miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. Incremental faith.

So many start the year with the intention to "read the Bible through". But somewhere in the middle of Leviticus, reading about cleansing for infectious skin diseases sucks the determination out of them. This is because instead of looking at each book as a special word from the Lord, they look at how many pages remain to the right and get overwhelmed.

Increments. Whether it's reading the Bible or growing in our evangelistic attempts or teaching , or cultivating a life of godliness, think increments - it'll take those big chunks down to a manageable size. Well, back to the wood pile.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Encouragement 101

So I was out early this morning and half a half an hour to kill between appointments, so I went to McDonalds for a coffee. I purchased my hot cup of life and went to the "lounge" to watch the big screen and read captions. While I'm there I notice a fellow about early thirties cleaning windows and metal door frames, etc. Now hang on; What captured my attention was the alacrity with which he did his job. He cleaned the windows with more fervor than I clean my Harley. I was mesmerized as I watched him move to the doors and proceed to whip out a Brillo pad and even scrub around the hinges and door closure. Never have I seen such attention to detail and work ethic.

As I was leaving I thought, "I should really encourage that guy and comment on his work ethic". As I was about to leave that little voice (not the godly one) said, "Nah, he'll think you're a weirdo, or hitting on him or something - I mean who does that?". But, the good voice won out and decided, why not - so I went over and really laid it on about his being an inspiration and how awesome I noticed he did his work. He was SO appreciative! He thanked me and I could see his spirit begin to glow - I had really made his day.

How easy it is, if we will just be attentive, to lift the spirits of those around us. In a world of terrorist headlines, child abuse, corrupt business practices, etc., its refreshing to see that there are still hard working, down-to-earth people out there doing the absolute best they can at whatever their hands find to do. Let's encourage them with a kind word and smile and let them know we saw the and appreciate their efforts. A great practice for a new year.