Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Big BIG God

I was reading today about the discoveries astronomers have been making concerning our universe. Did you know they have discovered galaxies that are 12.3 billion light years away? Considering the sun is 8 light minutes away at 93 million miles, that's a very, very, very long way off. I can't even wrap my mind around that kind of distance. But here's the funny thing. The more we discover, the more we realize how vast our universe is. Imagine what we'll know in another fifty or one hundred years.

As I read the psalms and listen in as David speaks of the glories of God, I am aware of how God must smile as we "discover" another one of His works; another galaxy, another microscopic animal, another deep sea life, another truth about the mystery of the human body. It strikes me as funny - we think we know SOOO much (like a thirteen year old) when we really know SOOO little.

God is just so awesome. I believe creativity is so much a part of His "DNA" that He is still at work creating things for us to discover. I was once asked what I think we'll do in heaven for eternity. No problem - eternity will only be enough 'time' to get started at checking out the glories of God. What a big, BIG God.

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