Friday, October 30, 2009


Someone recently said to me that I should go back to youth ministry because I was so good at it. Funny how some people say things without thinking through the way it may be interpreted. As much as I liked the 'complement' (it was meant to be), it also felt like a jab. Is my responsibility of discipling adults less important? Do I stink at it? I admit it's harder, more complicated, going to take longer and less glamorous (Kids think you're so wise, adults know better), but am I willing to settle for the glory of the past? Do I want to do what's easy for me, or do I want to live on the edge of God's call?

Fox News has a "Then and Now" piece about different sit-coms from yester-year. I noticed a M*A*S*H one this morning and since I still enjoy that show I couldn't wait to see what some of my favorite character actors were up to today. As I read the short clips about what each one did following that very successful series, I began to see that for most of them (if not all), that show was the pinnacle of their careers. Something in me wanted to see them go on to more success and was disappointed when they had not.

I think back over my last 25 years. Was there a pinnacle? Am I really on the "down-hill" side of my career? Is what people will remember me by already behind me? I pray not. No, I will it not. You see, that's the cool thing about God, he can even use old guys (Moses was 80) to do really big stuff. God doesn't live by the same time line as we do. He doesn't think with the limitations we do either. So here's to us more seasoned guys (and gals) who are willing to step out of the role we're most known for (and comfortable with) and dive into the vast unknown of the next 'sit-com'. So, what's next Lord?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Did you know?

Came across some facts today that surprised me. My favorites are: 1. The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb. 2. Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them used to burn their houses down - hence the expression "to get fired." 3. The phrase "sleep tight" derives from the fact that early mattresses were filled with straw and held up with rope stretched across the bed-frame. A tight sleep was a comfortable sleep.

It's amazing the things we take for granted. Phrases we use, people we trust, future's we expect, and a God we depend upon. The phrase, "give us this day our daily bread", holds no relevant meaning for me, and probably not for you. I take for granted my daily bread. I've been wondering if that makes me a "bad person" (not really). But the fact is praying irrelevant prayers doesn't make sense (imagine God hearing that one while my pantries are full). Maybe it's time for more relevancy, like; Give me this day good cell phone signal for those who need to reach me; or, bless my laptop today so I can work on my group study, post my blog and respond to all the e-mails; or, give me boldness to speak uncomfortable truth into the lives who need to hear it. How about - give me grace to tolerate my pig-headed, heathen boss (not me, but maybe you). Bottom line? Keep things real with God - He's up to date on what you really need anyway, and it's probably not a "tight sleep".

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Love Challenge

So, do you want to read a really challenging portion of scripture? Try 1 John 4:7-21. I read the word love 26 times. Now, most of these "loves" are challenges for me (and you). I particularly squirmed in my chair this morning when I read verse 12. God being complete in me depends on my love for others. Ouch! Saying that to a type A, choleric personality is like throwing sand in my eyes; it stings and doesn't go away fast. Don't misunderstand, I love people (sure I do), but like God loves them? Check out the previous verses; how did God love them? Verse 9 tells me how. So, I have to love before they are love-able? I have to love sacrificially? You mean love will most likely cost me something? Even something precious? Ugh. This makes You complete in me huh, God? So, the question is... how much do I really want you in me? Hmmm. Well, bring on the unlove-ables, but could you make it one at a time please? Is that you I hearing laughing, God? Lord? Oh no...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Child of God

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called the children of God." 1 John 3:1

Like every other follower of Christ out there, I know God loves me. He loves me a lot. I read books on His love. I hear sermons on His love. But how much does God really love me? He uses an interesting way of telling me - that I should be called His child. When I think about my children - my three girls - gosh, do I love them. I love them more than life itself. I love the memories of raising them. I love experiencing life with them - the ups and the downs. I love when they (now much older) come to dad for advice or insight. Yeah. So that's how much, huh God? You love my stumbling walk, my asking advice, memories of my earlier encounters with You. Pretty cool. Thanks God...I love You too.

Monday, October 26, 2009


I'm taking a class through the local college - statistics. thought I'd keep the ol' nerve endings sharp in the brain. Man, whatever happened to my math skills? I'm having to re-learn how to learn. Don't get me wrong, I read all the time - but that's different than having to process information another (professor) feels you need to know. Anyway, it's made me think of the Word lately. Do I study as if there was a mid-term or final next week, or do I merely read as if perusing a good fiction novel? I think I'll start preparing for the test.