Friday, October 30, 2009


Someone recently said to me that I should go back to youth ministry because I was so good at it. Funny how some people say things without thinking through the way it may be interpreted. As much as I liked the 'complement' (it was meant to be), it also felt like a jab. Is my responsibility of discipling adults less important? Do I stink at it? I admit it's harder, more complicated, going to take longer and less glamorous (Kids think you're so wise, adults know better), but am I willing to settle for the glory of the past? Do I want to do what's easy for me, or do I want to live on the edge of God's call?

Fox News has a "Then and Now" piece about different sit-coms from yester-year. I noticed a M*A*S*H one this morning and since I still enjoy that show I couldn't wait to see what some of my favorite character actors were up to today. As I read the short clips about what each one did following that very successful series, I began to see that for most of them (if not all), that show was the pinnacle of their careers. Something in me wanted to see them go on to more success and was disappointed when they had not.

I think back over my last 25 years. Was there a pinnacle? Am I really on the "down-hill" side of my career? Is what people will remember me by already behind me? I pray not. No, I will it not. You see, that's the cool thing about God, he can even use old guys (Moses was 80) to do really big stuff. God doesn't live by the same time line as we do. He doesn't think with the limitations we do either. So here's to us more seasoned guys (and gals) who are willing to step out of the role we're most known for (and comfortable with) and dive into the vast unknown of the next 'sit-com'. So, what's next Lord?


  1. PR,
    You are where you are suppose to be and doing what you are suppose to be doing. It is a new season and I appreciate your leadership and friendship. The season is now we have awesome youth pastor and wife that have now taken the reigns and are doing a great job. You and Lisa are doing great jobs and us older guys and gals need you where you are. Thanx.......

  2. PR,
    I believe God has MORE big things in store for you! You ain't done yet!
