Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Love Challenge

So, do you want to read a really challenging portion of scripture? Try 1 John 4:7-21. I read the word love 26 times. Now, most of these "loves" are challenges for me (and you). I particularly squirmed in my chair this morning when I read verse 12. God being complete in me depends on my love for others. Ouch! Saying that to a type A, choleric personality is like throwing sand in my eyes; it stings and doesn't go away fast. Don't misunderstand, I love people (sure I do), but like God loves them? Check out the previous verses; how did God love them? Verse 9 tells me how. So, I have to love before they are love-able? I have to love sacrificially? You mean love will most likely cost me something? Even something precious? Ugh. This makes You complete in me huh, God? So, the question is... how much do I really want you in me? Hmmm. Well, bring on the unlove-ables, but could you make it one at a time please? Is that you I hearing laughing, God? Lord? Oh no...

1 comment:

  1. Dear fellow choleric,
    I think the hardest thing for me to remember (and practice) is that we should love someone even when we feel they dont deserve it. That's God's love. Unconditional. Full of mercy and grace.

    We all face times in our lives when people have hurt us. Loving these people is a tough job but a requirement!

