Sunday, December 20, 2009


I don't know if non-believers can grasp a believers thoughts. Before I became a Christian at age 20, I couldn't understand the ways "religious" people thought. It never made sense to me to worship an unseen God, give 10% of my income to a church, serve people I didn't know on my day off - no, I didn't get any of it.

In 2 Kings 18:22 we see that the Assyrians couldn't either. They ask how the Judeans could depend on a God whose high places the king had torn down. They didn't understand that those high places were an abomination to the Lord. It was right to tear down those altars - but the ungodly didn't get it.

Ever felt like King Hezekiah? Your non-believing friends not getting you or the things you do? "How many nights you at that church?" "You're going on a missions what this summer?" "How much did it cost?" "Why?", etc., etc.

God doesn't ask us to be sure we're understood. He only wants our obedience and our passion for Him and His kingdom. Jesus was surely often not understood, can we expect any less? However, it is in the uniqueness of our lives that we make people become aware and wonder what it is that makes us so. Our "odd-ness" is our best evangelistic tool. So, be odd today. Make your life one of uniqueness and watch the door open to some pretty interesting conversations.

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