Monday, November 2, 2009

Bugs and bee spit

John the Baptist is one of the coolest dudes in the Bible. Seriously, he's a renegade (in a good way). He makes me think of a "man's man" in his demeanor and directness. No propriety, rules, tradition; just a wild man after God. One of my favorite verses about him is found in John chapter 1, verse 35; "The next day John was there again...". John had just done a handoff to Jesus, turned over the ministry, hired the professional, been surpassed by one more competent. Surely it was time to kick back; maybe a little traveling, golf or some such leisure. Not John, no way! Even after the launch of Jesus' ministry, when he knew his own would start to diminish, there he was, at his post, fulfilling his call.

So many in Christian ministry have a hard time at faithfulness when the spotlight isn't on. It's easy to serve or lead when that thing is dynamic, growing, capturing other leaders' attentions. But serving, leading when the music fades and the crowds begin to disappear - wow, that's when we need a John the Baptist spirit; the kind that shows up the next day at the post, the kind that gets there early for class even when only one or two show up, the kind that fills the role we've held for years when others are getting promoted around us.

So here's to all the wild men and women out there chasing after God. You may have to be satisfied with a locust or some honey now and then, but hey, even bugs and bee spit can taste good when we're in His will.

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