Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bird food - really

Have you ever seen the movie, "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock? It's so awesome - a classic. A small sea-town is besieged by birds gone mad. They attack people, kill a school teacher, and create mayhem, generally. I don't know why, but my reading of Elijah being fed by ravens in 1 Kings 17 reminded me of this movie. I am literally laughing as I think of what "meat" they my have been bringing...and where did they get the bread? Did God provide some self-grown, baked bread on the plains, or were they swiping it from house windows while it cooled? By the way, why ravens? Why not something more masculine like eagles, hawks or something? (Maybe they would've eaten the meat)

However you have fun with the text (and think God's cool with our imagination), the point is if we follow His leading, He'll always meet our needs - often in a creative way we didn't expect. So here's to the birds and their famed account of divine provision. Since I've let dinner burn while typing this, I wonder if I could flag down a passing bluejay?

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