Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Have you ever thought about the prayers God must hear? I know most are well founded and the heart of the petitioner is pure, but you must admit there are probably some real loopy ones as well. Just as a pastor, I've had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at some that come across my desk/inbox (I'd mention some...but those would be the very ones to read my blog). Then I think back over the petitions that regularly make it off my lips. I've asked for some pretty silly things in the past. Most prayers focus on you and I, don't they? Lord, give me, make me, bless me, show me, etc. I'm so glad God has a sense of humor. I'm even more glad He doesn't say yes to everything I ask for.

King Solomon found himself in an interesting position once. God actually came and asked him to name anything and He would give it to him (1 Kings 3:5-15). Can you imagine? Whoa! Anything? This may take a while, Lord - have a seat. Seriously, what would I have asked? I'd like to think my motives would be selfless, like Solomon's, but would they? Let me give an example; when I pray for my kids, do I pray more for their protection and blessing, or more for their use for God's glory - no matter what? How about my wife, family, my finances, or even...me? Think about it. What really is at the heart of my prayers?

I'd write a little more, but I think it's knees on the carpet time.


  1. Prayer in it self is a privilege. Imagine being given an audience by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The God who created the Universe and who is master and ruler of it takes time to listen to our inanities. I thank God just for the fact I can kneel and kiss his feet. So many things going on in my mind that I can ask but as a Father knows what his child needs and desires. So does God knows our hearts. Prayer. Bonding time with the Father.

  2. Brilliant, PR. Thank you.
