When we total the monetary value of the elements in our bodies and the value of the average person's skin, we arrive at a net worth of $4.50! The U.S. Bureau of Chemistry and Soils invested many a hard-earned tax dollar in calculating the chemical and mineral composition of the human body, which breaks down as follows:
65% Oxygen 18% Carbon 10% Hydrogen 3% Nitrogen 1.5% Calcium 1% Phosphorous 0.35% Potassium 0.25% Sulfur 0.15% Sodium 0.15% Chlorine 0.05% Magnesium 0.0004% Iron 0.00004% Iodine
Additionally, it was discovered that our bodies contain trace quantities of fluorine, silicon, manganese, zinc, copper, aluminum, and arsenic. Together, all of the above amounts to less than one dollar!
I was reading about the temple details found in 1 Kings ch. 5 and 6 this morning when this thought of worth came to mind. The temple was built with costly cedar and then EVERYTHING was overlaid with fine gold. Imagine. Now, the temple was a shadow of the ultimate temple God planned for the future - you and me! He would dwell in an earthly temple for now, but His ultimate purpose was to dwell in the human heart. That temple is more valuable than anything man could fabricate.
So, if the Old Testament temple was symbolic of my body as a temple, I'm planned well, made of the best stuff, overlaid with fine gold, and am the apple of God's eye. Whoa; walking temples of gold. Remember that the next time you meet a child of God; we may not look it, but we really are quite valuable.
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